Evening Service- October 7, 2020

Me and White Supremacy: This is a time for those of us who are ready to do the work of dismantling white supremacy.  We will start from within, recognizing our own biases and working towards being antiracist.  We will use the book “Me and White Supremacy” by Layla F. Saad (please order your own copy or email Heather if you need help with the purchase heather@uuclakeland.org).  We will use The Circle Way to conduct our work, as recommended in the book:  https://static1.squarespace.com/static/55597e72e4b0f7284bff49e0/t/56e340a1f8baf38bbe1d00f6/1457733793606/TCW+Guidelines+English.pdf
Please become familiar with it ahead of the first meeting!  Also, before the first meeting, read the introductory chapters and do the exercise for Day 1: You and White Privilege.  This meeting will be held on Zoom.  Please let Heather know if you are interested in attending. Join URL:   https://zoom.us/j/91549071937